Profile Bending Machine Control System

Software-Based Control System for Bending Processes in an Elegant Format

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Made in Switzerland

Since 1995, when PBT first developed software-controlled bending programs, PBT has continuously innovated and iterated on its controls systems.

The Tablet350 was derived from the uncompromising PC400 control system, and offers its main functions in an elegant format. The Tablet350 has simplified operation even more. Bending functions can be created, managed and controlled using a 10-inch multi-touch Windows tablet with wireless communication. The Tablet350 has been specially designed to make operation as easy as possible by means of simple, clear symbols. No programming skills are required. The range of functions has been reduced to the most essential bending operations – while still allowing simple programming via radii and lengths.

Illustrated control elements facilitate intuitive operation during everyday work, while the graphic display of the programmed workpiece with bending radii and bending lengths allows visual inspection of the programmed data. The communication with the bending machine takes place via WiFi.

The Tablet350 CNC control includes a re-bend function for single radius bends along with coil bending programs. Data backup can be easily performed via USB port. Remote diagnostics are available.

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PBT Tablet350 - Control for profile bending machines - Detail

The tablet can be mounted on the machine using the supporting arm supplied, and can be adjusted for optimal operation. If greater freedom of movement is required, the wireless data transmission makes it possible to move around freely in the room with the Tablet350.

Let us advise you

Tim Hoesly

Phone: +1 262 783 7816

PBT control systems overview

Manual Tablet Teach-In Tablet350 PC400
Operation / Hardware mobile handheld terminal mobile handheld terminal / Tablet-PC / jointed arm bracket / freely mobile mobile handheld terminal / Tablet-PC / jointed arm bracket / freely mobile movable control panel / 15-Inch multi-touch display / industrial PC
Recommended for low variability of bending forms low variability of bending forms but high quantities high variability of bending forms high variability of bending forms and automated
Time requirement for determining the bending geometry relatively high relatively high low low
Series production following manual setup automated, after teach-in automated, software-controlled automated, software-controlled and can be integrated in automation
Programming / Storage / Processing of the radii and program calculation manual via teach-in / via tablet software-based, number and length unlimited software-based, number and length unlimited
Visual program check - - as a graphic representation as a graphic representation
Radii per bending part 1 1 optional optional
Infeed rate rapid traverse / crawling speed rapid traverse / crawling speed continuous continuous
Additional bending - - possible for 1 segment possible for all segments
Rolling out - - - possible
Transition correction - - - possible
Program documentation - - - as PDF attachment
Program assistants - - spiral coil spiral coil, ellipses, “Napoleon curves”, S-bends, special forms, swimming pool roof, bending left/right
Control of additional options - - - open architecture for customer-specific extensions, e.g. CNC Z-axes, 3-D bending attachment or mandrel forward feed, automatic radius measurement
Remote diagnosis by PBT - - - via Internet connection
Software update - per USB stick per USB stick per USB stick / via Internet connection
Data backup - via USB port via USB port via USB port / network-based
Connection corded WiFi WiFi corded
Operating system - Windows Windows Windows
Network integration - - - possible
Safety emergency stop, inching emergency stop, inching, enabling switch emergency stop, inching, enabling switch emergency stop, inching, enabling switch
optional: Connection for safety laser scanner
Axes X-axis 1/100mm controlled
optional: Y-axis 1/10mm resolution
X-axis 1/100mm controlled
Y-axis 1/10mm controlled
X-axis 1/100mm controlled
Y-axis 1/10mm controlled
X-axis 1/100mm controlled
Y-axis 1/10mm controlled
optional: X-axis with servo hydraulics (PBT25, PBT35)
optional: Y-axis with servo controllers (PBT35)
optional: controlled Z-axes left/right